Rank Requirements

Squatting Position

1. Ready Stance
2. Look left while right hand chambers to right hip and left hand follows right hand to a cup-and-saucer position.
3. Left foot pivots ¼ turn to the left on the heel of the foot, (foot should be facing 9 o’clock) simultaneous left outward block, right hand front punch (face level), and right front ball kick to 9 o’clock. Step directly back into a horse stance facing 12 o’clock with both hands retreating to a chambered position on the hips (elbows driving backwards).
4. Double fisted upward cross block over head (right hand on top of left), hands then retreat to a chambered position on the hips (elbows driving backwards).

Universal Block

Left-hand dominant - Feet positioned perfectly together, left hand closed fisted and positioned over right ear with palm facing the ear. Right hand is closed fisted while right arm is extended downward (straight armed) in front of midsection, right fist covering groin. Both hands should be 4-6 inches away from head and groin.

Right-hand dominant - Feet positioned perfectly together, right hand closed fisted and positioned over left ear with palm facing the ear. Left hand is closed fisted while left arm is extended downward (straight armed) in front of midsection, left fist covering groin. Both hands should be 4-6 inches away from head and groin.

Yellow Belt Requirements 

Combination 6

1. Ready Stance, assuming 12 o’clock position (opponent right hand punch to face).
2. Simultaneously do a left hand inward knife hand to block to opponents outer right wrist with a right hammer fist strike to opponent's right bicep while executing a right leg front ball kick to opponent’s groin or stomach.
3. Look left, cross and cover.

Kenpo 1

1. Ready Stance, assuming 12 o’clock position (opponent right hand punch to face or chest).
2. Right foot steps forward into a right neutral stance (Or, right foot can step forward into a right forward stance and pivot ¼ turn to the left into a left forward stance facing 9 o’clock). Once in a right neutral stance, perform a simultaneous left knife hand block to opponent’s right inner wrist and a right hammer fist to opponent’s right bicep.
3. Right back two-knuckle strike to opponent’s chin while left arm continues to check opponent’s right arm until completion of final strike.
4. Right reverse hammer strike to groin while dropping body position to a runner’s stance (right foot on the ball of its foot while right knee almost touches the ground).
5. Look left, cross and cover.

Orange Belt Requirements

Combination 3

1. Ready Stance, assuming 12 o’clock position (opponent right hand punch to face or chest).
2. Left foot steps forward into a left forward stance (lean to left to avoid opponent’s punch) while left hand parry blocks opponents’ right outer wrist. Simultaneously perform a right arm front punch to opponent's groin.
3. Right leg slides in towards left foot into a normal standing position (shoulder length apart) facing 1:30 while left hand slides up opponent’s right arm and grab’s opponent’s right shoulder and right hand executes a rolling back fist strike to opponents right temple.
4. Right hand then slides behind opponent’s neck and grabs opponent’s left shoulder.
5. Simultaneously step back into a horse stance facing 4 o’clock while pulling opponents left shoulder toward you and pushing opponent’s right shoulder away from you (simultaneously pull opponent’s body weight directly down toward the ground). While pulling opponent toward the ground, immediately chamber left hand at hip while continuing to pull opponent to the ground with your right hand. As opponent hits the ground, you should still be in a horse stance facing 4 o’clock.
6. Pivot one-quarter turn to the right while dropping into a runner’s stance (left foot on the ball of its foot) while simultaneously executing a left front punch to opponents face on the ground. Right hand can retreat to a chambered position at the hip while striking or it can check by your face. Left knee can also drop onto opponent’s groin, midsection (ribs), or left shoulder to help impair him/her.
7. Look left, cross and cover.

Combination 7

1. Ready Stance, assuming 12 o’clock position (opponent right hand punch to face or chest).
2. Left foot steps slightly backward (about one foot length) while executing a right outward knife hand block to opponent’s right outer wrist (left hand is chambered at the hip or guarding the stomach).
3. Right side blade kick to opponent’s knee or ribs.
4. Look left, cross and cover.

Kenpo 2

1. Ready Stance, assuming 12 o’clock position (opponent right hand punch to face or chest).
2. Right foot steps backward into a neutral or left leg dominant forward stance while executing a left outward knife hand block/grab to opponent’s inner right wrist (right arm retreats to hip or checks at midsection).
3. Right leg performs a front ball kick to opponent’s stomach or groin while stepping forward into a right leg neutral or forward stance. While stepping into stance, simultaneously perform a right arm front punch to the bridge of opponent’s nose (left arm pulls opponent’s right arm for more vigor while punching).
4. Left hand releases opponent’s right wrist and performs a left-handed thrust punch to opponent’s ribs (right arm retreats to hip or checks at face level).
5. Look left, cross and cover.

Kenpo 3

1. Ready Stance, assuming 12 o’clock position (opponent right hand punch to face).
2. Left foot steps forward into a left forward stance (lean to left to avoid opponent’s punch) while left hand parry blocks opponents’ right outer wrist. Simultaneously perform a right arm rolling back fist to opponent's right temple (left hand immediately drops to a checking position at midsection). The right arm should now be blocking opponent’s right arm while simultaneously executing the rolling back fist.
3. Left hand moves up face level blocking opponents right elbow while right hand drops down and executes an inverted hammer strike to opponent’s right rib cage (left hand still checking opponent’s elbow. Be sure to retrieve hammer strike in lieu of leaving it on opponent’s ribs).
4. Right arm then swings up toward the sky clockwise (in a clock arm fashion) with the hammer of the hand facing the sky. Right arm continues around clockwise until the right fist strikes the groin with a ridge hammer strike. Left hand continues to check opponent’s right elbow.
5. Left hand slides up and grabs opponent’s right shoulder. Right hand swings back counter clockwise in a pendulum fashion (right hand should now be in a tiger’s mouth position, palm facing the ground) while right leg simultaneously swings up clockwise in a pendulum fashion (you should be balanced on left leg only). Simultaneously pull opponent’s right shoulder toward 11 o’clock while performing a right foot leg-hawk take down (sweep)--(right hand thrusts forward striking opponent’s throat at the same time the right leg sweeps opponent). Opponent should fall on his/her back.
7. Perform a right front ball kick to opponent’s face (adjusting stance as necessary in order to execute the kick effectively) with both arms up in an on-guard position.
8. Look left, cross and cover.

Pinan 1 (Beginner Version)
  1. Facing 12 o’clock, perform squatting position.
  2. From horse stance, left foot moves directly into right foot (feet should be together) while arms perform a left-hand dominant universal block, knees slightly bent. Simultaneously look left (toward 9 o’clock).
  3. Left foot steps back into a right forward stance facing 12 o’clock (still looking at 9 o’clock and maintaining a left-hand dominant universal block position). Pivot ¼ turn to the left while left arm performs a left downward block. Right arm will retreat to chambered position on the right hip.
  4. Right leg half moons forward to 9 o’clock. Once half moon is completed, right arm performs a front two-knuckle punch (chest level) while left arm chambers to hip.
  5. (Note: When one arm is blocking or striking, the other arm should always be chambered at the hip, unless performing a universal block)
  6. Look over left shoulder. Right foot steps back to left foot (feet should be together) while performing a right-hand dominant universal block.
  7. Right foot steps behind left foot toward 5 o’clock into a left-leg dominant twist stance. Pivot 180 degrees clockwise into a right forward stance facing 3 o'clock while simultaneously performing downward block with the right arm.
  8. Left leg half moons forward to 3 o'clock. Once half moon is completed, left arm performs a front punch (chest level).
  9. Look left (toward 12 o'clock) while left leg steps back to right foot (feet should be together). Simultaneously perform a left-hand dominant universal block.
  10. Left foot steps back into a right forward stance facing 3 o'clock (still looking at 12 o'clock and holding universal block position). Pivot ¼ turn to the left (toward 12 o’clock) while left arm performs a left downward block.
  11. (Note: When left arm blocks toward 12 o’clock, this is the point of Ki-ai).
  12. Right leg half moons forward toward 12 o'clock. Once half moon is completed, right arm performs a front two-knuckle punch (chest level).
  13. Left leg half moons forward once toward 12 o'clock. Once half moon is completed, left arm performs a front two-knuckle punch (chest level).
  14. Right leg half moons forward once toward 12 o'clock. Once half moon is completed, right arm performs a front two-knuckle punch (chest level).
  15. (Note: You should have performed three half moons with front two-knuckle punches toward 12 o’clock)
  16. Look right (toward 3 o'clock).
  17. Left foot steps up to right foot while simultaneously pivoting ¼ turn counterclockwise and performing a left-hand dominant universal block. Left foot steps behind right foot toward 1 o’clock into a right-leg dominant twist stance. Pivot 180 degrees counterclockwise into a left forward stance facing 3 o'clock while simultaneously performing a downward block with the left arm.
  18. Right leg half moons forward to 3 o’clock. Once half moon is completed, right arm performs a front two-knuckle punch (chest level) while left arm chambers to hip.
  19. Look over left shoulder. Right foot steps back to left foot (feet should be together) while performing a right-hand dominant universal block.
  20. Right foot steps behind left foot toward 11 o’clock into a left-leg dominant twist stance. Pivot 180 degrees clockwise into a right forward stance facing 9 o'clock while simultaneously performing downward block with the right arm.
  21. Left leg half moons forward to 9 o'clock. Once half moon is completed, left arm performs a front punch (chest level).
  22. Look left (toward 6 o'clock) while left leg steps back to right foot (feet should be together). Simultaneously perform a left-hand dominant universal block.
  23. Left foot steps back into a right forward stance facing 9 o'clock (still looking at 6 o'clock and holding universal block position). Pivot ¼ turn to the left (toward 6 o’clock) while left arm performs a left downward block.
  24. (Note: When left arm blocks toward 6 o’clock, this is the point of Ki-ai).
  25. Right leg half moons forward toward 6 o'clock. Once half moon is completed, right arm performs a front two-knuckle punch (chest level).
  26. Left leg half moons forward once toward 6 o'clock. Once half moon is completed, left arm performs a front two-knuckle punch (chest level).
  27. Right leg half moons forward once toward 6 o'clock. Once half moon is completed, right arm performs a front two-knuckle punch (chest level).
  28. (Note: You should have performed three half moons with front two-knuckle punches toward 6 o’clock)
  29. Look right (toward 9 o'clock).
  30. Left foot steps up to right foot while simultaneously pivoting ¼ turn counterclockwise and performing a left-hand dominant universal block. Left foot steps behind right foot toward 7 o’clock into a right-leg dominant twist stance. Pivot 180 degrees counterclockwise into a left forward stance facing 9 o'clock while simultaneously performing a downward block with the left arm.
  31. Right leg half moons forward toward 9 o’clock. Once half moon is completed, right arm performs a front two-knuckle punch (chest level) while left arm chambers to hip.
  32. Look over left shoulder. Right foot steps back to left foot (feet should be together) while performing a right-hand dominant universal block.
  33. Right foot steps behind left foot toward 5 o’clock into a left-leg dominant twist stance. Pivot 180 degrees clockwise into a right forward stance facing 3 o'clock while simultaneously performing downward block with the right arm.
  34. Left leg half moons forward to 3 o'clock. Once half moon is completed, left arm performs a front punch (chest level).
  35. Left leg steps back into a horse stance facing 12 o’clock while simultaneously drawing left hand back to hip position.
  36. Perform an upward cross-hand block above head (right hand on top of left). Both hands then retreat to a chambered position on the hips (elbows driving backward).
  37. Right foot steps to left foot (feet should be together), then bow (Kenpo salute).
  38. Ready stance
Pinan 1 (Advanced Version)

Pinan 1 Advanced Version is the same as the beginner version, with the exception that in the advanced version, we do not put our feet together and stop when performing universal blocks. Instead, the idea is to try to step directly through to the opposite side, skipping the pause of the feet in between movements. In other words, there are no stops. The form should be performed with fluidity.

Purple Belt Requirements

Combination 2

1. Ready stance, assuming 12 o’clock position (opponent right hand punch to face or chest)
2. Right foot steps forward into a right neutral stance (Or, right foot can step forward into a right forward stance and then pivot ¼ turn to the left into a left foot forward stance facing 9 o’clock). While in neutral stance (or forward stance), perform a simultaneous left knife hand block to opponent’s right inner wrist and a right hammer fist to opponent’s right bicep.
3. Right back two-knuckle strike to opponent’s chin while left arm continues to check opponent’s right arm.
4. Right foot lunges towards opponent while right elbow simultaneously strikes opponent's solar plexus (left hand stays checked on opponent’s right wrist until takedown. Body assumes a neutral stance position facing 9 o’clock until completion of final strike).
5. Right foot slides towards opponent again while simultaneously right elbow-striking opponent’s chin (this motion should cause opponent to lose balance backwards).
6. Right foot slides forward slightly past opponent's left leg while simultaneously left arm palm strikes opponent’s solar plexus and right arm performs a clockwise sweep to opponent’s right leg. Opponent should fall to ground.
7. After sweeping leg, right arm continues around in a clockwise motion checking/locking opponent's inner right ankle against defender’s inner right thigh. After locking the leg in place, execute a left-handed chop to the opponent's groin. Step back as necessary to distance yourself. (If opponent’s inner right ankle is too far away to lock into defender’s inner right thigh, then adjust your footwork to support the hold)
8. Look left, cross and cover.

Combination 5

1. Ready stance, assuming 12 o’clock position (opponent right hand punch)
2. Right foot steps forward into a neutral stance, or forward stance, while prepping arms into a left-hand dominant, open handed universal block (left hand is a knife hand and right hand is a knife hand).
3. (Pivot ¼ turn to the left, facing 9 o'clock, if assuming a forward stance. If assuming a neutral stance, no ¼ is necessary). Execute a scissor block (left hand outward knife hand block/grab to opponent’s inner right wrist, while simultaneously executing a right hand upward chicken wrist block under opponent's right wrist.
4. Left hand will grab opponent’s right wrist (dominating the grip with the middle finger and thumb. This is for control of opponent’s wrist). While continuing to hold left hand grab, execute a right hand rolling backfist strike to the bridge of the opponent's nose.
5. Right hand will then grab opponent’s right wrist while the left hand retreats and chambers to the left hip.
6. Execute a right side thrust kick to opponent’s rib cage or stomach (defender’s right arm simultaneously pulls opponent’s right arm toward him/herself as he/she executes the sidekick. This is to provide a stronger kick). If defender is unable to kick to the ribs, then a side kick to the knee is permissible.
7. Look Left, Cross and Cover

Combination 18

1. Ready Stance, assuming 12 o’clock position (opponent right hand punch)
2. From the ready stance position, execute a left-legged cat stance while simultaneously executing a left-handed downward parry block. Right hand should retreat to the right hip into a chambered position. (The cat stance is performed by bringing the right foot in towards the center of the ready stance, right foot/big toe is facing a 45 degree angle or towards 1 o’clock, while the left leg draws in front of the right leg facing 12 o’clock in a bent knee position. The left foot should be pointed, balancing on the tip of the toe. Both the left heel and the right heel of each foot should be in one direct line from each other. In other words, if a line is drawn from 12 o’clock straight down to 6 o’clock, both feet should be on one line).
3. Left leg will step out into a left neutral stance while the left hand performs an open-handed back hand slap to opponent's left side of face.
4. Left hand then grabs opponent's left shoulder while simultaneously stepping back counterclockwise with left foot into a horse stance position facing 9 o’clock. While stepping back, pull opponent’s shoulder with you. This will cause your opponent to fall down in front of you to his hands and knees.
5. While the opponent is on his hands and knees, the right arm will perform a downward elbow strike to the opponent’s mid spinal area while the left hand retreats either to the left hip in a chambered position or checks your mid-section.
6. Pivot ¼ turn to the left, counterclockwise, into a left-leg forward runner’s stance facing 6 o’clock (right foot will be on the ball of its foot) while executing a reverse hammer strike to the left side of the opponent’s face (preferably his left temple).
7. Look left, Cross and Cover

Kenpo 4

1. Ready Stance, assuming 12 o’clock position (opponent right hand punch)
2. Right foot steps back into a left foot forward stance while executing a right armed knife hand block to opponent’s outer right wrist (left hand is chambered at the hip or in a checked position at the midsection).
3. Right hand executes a two-finger poke to opponent’s eyes.
4. Right hand grabs behind opponent's right side of neck (left foot stepping forward as needed to facilitate grab). Once grab is in place, pull opponent's head down toward the ground while the right knee simultaneously comes up to strike opponent's midsection. The right foot will step forward into a right neutral stance position once the knee strike is executed while the right hand continues to hold opponents head down facing the ground at waist level. Left hand is still checked at midsection or chambered at the hip.
6. Left arm will execute a left dropping elbow strike to the back side of the opponent's neck (on the spine) while simultaneously rotating ¼ turn to the right and dropping body position to a right-legged runner's stance (left foot on the ball of its foot while the right foot remains flat on the ground).
7. Left hand will now check on the back of opponent’s neck, still holding them down, while pivoting counterclockwise 180 degrees into a left-legged runner’s stance (right foot on the ball of its foot while the left foot remains flat on the ground) while the right arm executes a right dropping elbow strike to the midsection of the back side (on the spine). Opponent should fall to the ground.
8. Look left, cross and cover

Kenpo 5

1. Ready stance, assuming 12 o’clock position (opponent right hand punch)
2. Right foot steps forward into a neutral stance, or forward stance, while prepping arms into a left-hand dominant, open handed universal block (left hand is a knife hand and right hand is a knife hand).
3. (Pivot ¼ turn to the left, facing 9 o'clock, if assuming a forward stance. If assuming a neutral stance, no ¼ turn is necessary). Execute a scissor block (left hand outward knife hand block/grab to opponent’s inner right wrist, while simultaneously executing a right hand upward chicken wrist block under opponent's right wrist.
4. Left hand will grab opponent’s right wrist (dominating the grip with the middle finger and thumb. This is for control of opponent’s wrist). While continuing to hold opponent’s left hand, the right hand will rotate clockwise (up and over opponent’s right forearm, grabbing the forearm and submitting the opponent in an arm lock) toward 1 o’clock (opponent should be bent over forward at the midsection while his/her head is facing the ground. Opponent is still submitted in an arm lock).
5. Left leg now executes a left instep kick to opponent's face toward 1 o’clock.
6. Left foot will wrap over the back of the opponent’s head/neck. Left leg will pull opponent’s head back toward 7 o’clock while left foot steps back into a right forward stance facing 1 o’clock (opponent should flip clockwise and rotate onto their back with their head at 7 o’clock and their legs at 1 o’clock. Arm lock should still be in place while executing these movements).
7. Rotate 180 degrees counterclockwise while locking opponent’s right arm into the inside of defender’s right inner knee.
8. Execute a right-legged heel stomp to opponent’s upper right rib cage while pulling his/her arm, the opposite direction of the stomp, towards the sky. This should cause the opponent’s shoulder to dislocate.
9. Look left, cross and cover

Kenpo 6

1. Ready Stance, assuming 12 o’clock position (opponent right hand punch)
2. Right foot steps forward into a right neutral stance (Or, right foot can step forward into a right forward stance and pivot ¼ turn to the left into a left forward stance facing 9 o’clock). Once in a right neutral stance, perform a simultaneous left knife hand block/grab to opponent’s right inner wrist and a right knife hand strike to opponent’s right bicep.
4. While still maintaining left wrist grab, right hand will perform a chicken wrist strike to opponent's face (right cheek bone).
5. Right hand will then grab opponent’s right wrist (replacing the left hand) and the left hand will retreat and chambers to the left hip.
6. Execute a right side thrust kick to opponent's ribs or knee (right arm will pull opponent’s right arm for more vigor while executing side kick).
7. Pivot 1/4 turn counterclockwise (facing 6 o'clock). While glancing over left shoulder at 12 o’clock, execute a left-legged back kick to opponent's diaphragm while simultaneously releasing right hand grab.
8. Crouch and drop to floor in a push-up position/army crawl position (on forearms, not on hands) facing 6 o’clock. Roll onto left hip (clockwise) while executing a right-legged scissor kick sweep to opponent’s right leg/knee. Opponent should fall towards 3 o’clock.
9. Continue to roll clockwise while simultaneously raising body position onto right knee and right hand. Execute a left-legged roundhouse kick to opponent’s head.
10. Stand up - Look left, cross and cover

Blue Belt Requirements

Kempo 7

1. Ready Stance, assuming 12 o’clock position (opponent right hand punch).
2. Right foot steps back into a left neutral stance. Once in a left neutral stance, perform a right handed knife block/grab to opponent’s right outer wrist and a simultaneous left front two-knuckle punch to opponent’s right cheek bone.
3. Perform a right crescent kick to opponent's face or midsection.
4. Look left, cross and cover.

Kempo 8

1. Ready Stance, assuming 12 o’clock position (opponent right hand punch).
2. Right foot steps back into a left neutral stance. Once in a left neutral stance, perform a left-handed knife block/grab to opponent’s right inner wrist.
3. Perform a right front ball kick to opponent's groin and immediately perform a right roundhouse kick to opponent’s head.
4. Look left, cross and cover.

Kempo 9

1. Ready Stance, assuming 12 o’clock position (opponent right hand punch).
2. Right foot steps back into a left neutral stance. Once in a left neutral stance, perform a left-handed knife block/grab to opponent’s right inner wrist.
3. Perform a right front ball kick to opponent's groin and immediately perform a right roundhouse kick to opponent’s head.
4. Step down so feet are together facing 9 o’clock. Switch left-handed grab with a right-handed grab and place left hand on left hip in a cup and saucer fashion.
5. Perform a right-legged side thrust kick to opponent’s ribs.
6. Look left, cross and cover.