Our Goal: Mobile Martial Arts’ intent is to increase awareness to parents, adults, teenagers and kids regarding violence, bullying, drug abuse, obesity, and anything damaging or destructive to oneself or anyone else. Our goal is to help create a positive attitude, which will lead to a positive environment. We aim to educate people, especially children, on how to avoid falling into areas of detriment.
Our Youth: A recent study in 2009 by the National Institute on Out-of-School Time at Wellesley College shows that “in the hours after the school bell rings, violent juvenile crime soars and the prime time for juvenile crime begins. The peak hours for such crime are from 3:00 to 6:00 PM. These are also the hours when children are most likely to become victims of crime, be in an automobile accident, smoke, drink alcohol, or use drugs.”
No Reservations: If you are struggling or know someone who is, or if your desire is to just enjoy yourself, please call or refer our company, as we would like to help strengthen our youth as well as anyone in our community. We have no reservations of any kind. Our intent is to work with anyone that desires to take the time to dedicate himself or herself to a physical activity. There are not limitations to whom we will work with. If you are willing, so are we. If you feel incapable, we will make you capable. Please don’t let age, sex, race, disabilities or physical ailments stop you.
Mobile Martial Arts